Notes on Travelling

Notes on how to be a good travellor:
1. Take the bus. No, the real bus. You know, like the one that putters by with a gaggle of limbs thrusted from the window. It is likely cheaper than your vodka shot from Buffalo 20.
2. When a taxi driver tells you that a 4 km trip to Chinatown costs 140,000 Dong, the same price as a 6 hour train ride in a soft seat, don't believe him. He is full of shit. Find another taxi.
3. Always have Kleenex.
4. Walk one block away from the backpacker district. Amazing things will happen. There will be no tourists. Prices will drop. Local people will be patrons, not just service people. This phenomenon occurs when you enter what is called Normal Life.
5. Just because you eat street food does not make you a shoestring travellor.
6. Just because the only word you know is Pho, does not mean that you have to eat noodles forever.
7, When a 10 year old kid sits down next to you and asks for change. Cover your boobs. He may try to grab them.
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