Radio Show Podcast

Forgive me blog for I have sinned.

I have not attended to your needs and the documentation of my intellectual and gastronomical curiosities.

But i assure that I am having fun fun fun. I have cooked chorizo tacos while roughing it at crater lake, oregon. I have tossed my camera into the river in a carefree moment of campy ambition. I have resurrected my biochemistry tomfoolery with experimentation on emulsions. I have read half of Jeffrey Steingarten's book, It Must Have Been Something I Ate, aloud, eulogizing his investigation of MSG on the human psyche.

I admit, I have nothing to offer except for a stock pot full of stories.

I leave this: A link to my most recent radio appearence on Sound Bites, a fantastic new show on the SF food movement by Will Payne. Rock on.


  1. so basically, what you are saying, is that you're having fun and enjoying your summer? hells yeah - don't we all deserve to be able to do that w/o feeling guilty?

    listening to your podcast right now - love hearing the voice! enjoy the rest of your summer.


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