Anyone Have Thoughts on Bamboo Rice?

Compelling ingredient or sucker marketing product?

I was thinking vanilla bean rice pudding to play on the subtly of flavor... Perheps with a tofu mousse pairing? Thoughts?

Let me know!


  1. Katie,
    I never seen this rice before. Is it real, or color added? What do you mean Bamboo rice? Is it the name? Please please ... any more info?

  2. weird, i've never heard of or seen this before

  3. What is that?? I've never heard of this before, but bamboo somehow reminds me of grilled stuff.

  4. Sounds interesting. When I was in Manila they had a stall at one of the markets that had every kind of rice I'd ever heard of (and a bunch I didn't) they came in every color from magenta to green to black to blue. I really wanted to bring some back, but rice would have been an expensive souvenir.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. After giving this rice to us, the plant dies completely.It happens only once in 30-40 years of its life time. This one looks white rice with added bamboo juice flavour. Real one will be costly


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