Food Quote: How The People of Madrid Eat

"Los madrileños comen tripas de cerdo y luego beben vino... y cuando han bebido salen a las calles y levantan la falda de las chicas y luego les recitan poemas que suenan bonitos pero que ellos no entienden"

"The people of Madrid eat pig tripe and then they drink wine... and when they have drank enough, they go out to the streets and lift up girls' skirts and then recite poems that sound nice but that they do not understand"
- Javier B
"Yo ya viajé y entonces aprendí otras y extrañas costumbres...comer otra cosa que no sean solo tripas de cerdo... cambiar de marca de cigarrillos... hablar con las chicas antes de levantarles la falda.... aprender poemas y entenderlos antes de recitarlos"

"I have already travelled, so I learned other customs... eating other things than just tripe...changing the brand of cigarettes...talking with girls before I lift their skirts...learning poems and understanding them before telling them"


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